Hi-Target HD-MAX Echo Sounder
Rotating Laser
Jual CHC Echo Sounder-D390 | CHC Echo Sounder-D390 | Echo Sounder-D390 | Kineta Survey |
Kineta Jakarta merupakan pusat jual alat survey Jakarta yang menyediakan berbagai macam kebutuhan alat pemetaan Anda. Produk yang lengkap serta harga yang terjangkau menjadikan Kineta Jakarta memiliki klien dari berbagai macam daerah. Kami juga menyediakan layanan Jasa Pengukuran Topografi dan Jasa Service Kalibrasi di Jakarta dan sekitarnya
Jual CHC Echo Sounder-D390 | Kineta Jakarta Pusat Jual Beli Alat Survey / Alat Ukur.
- Gps Geodetic Gnss
- Total Station
- Digital Theodolite
- Automatic Level
- Accesories : CHC Echo Sounder-D390, Prisma Poligon, Prisma Detail / Single Prisma, Tripod Survey, Rambu Ukur, Battery Dll.
- Autolevel, Total Station, Laser Plummet, GPS merk Ruide, Sokkia, Topcon, South, Garmin, Magellan,GPS
- Garmin, berbagai Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur. Dll
Hi-Target HD-MAX Echo Sounder
Compact and advance professional echo sounder
Hi-Target HD-MAX Echo Sounder is a full-digit echo sounder for precision measurement in hydrology, reconnaissance, fairway, wharf dredge and so on. Featuring a 17” large-size screen, industrial computer platform, and preinstalled marine surveying software, HD-MAX is designed for efficient, high-speed sounding performance. The integrated HD-Max Sounder software provides an excellent solution for marine surveying and mapping.
Professional Sonar System Hi-Target HD-MAX Echo Sounder
With a smarter algorithm and optimized internal circuit design, the sounder adapts to most environments with better echo quality and accuracy.
17” Display Built-in PC
The 32G SSD storage-based windows 7 OS boosted by dual-core 1.92GHz CPU, smoothly runs programs for versatile applications related to hydrographic surveying.
Professional software solution
Professional bathymetric data collection and post-processing software is easy to learn and master, with innovated functions which boost efficiency.
Specifications Hi-Target HD-MAX Echo Sounder
Max. power consumption [W] 30
Min. external DC power [V] 10
Max. external DC power [V] 30
Min. external AC power [V] 220
Max. external AC power [V] 220
Weight in air [kg] 9.5
Kami menerima Jasa Pengukuran & Pemetaan, Survey Topografi Jakarta untuk :
- Perencanaan Jalan,
- Saluran Irigasi
- Konstruksi Bangunan
- Proyek Perumahan
- Dan lain sebagainya.
Alat Survey Yang Disewakan
Kineta melayani penyewaan peralatan Total Station, Theodolite, dan Automatic Level.
Kineta melayani sewa alat survey dan pemetaan seperti total station, theodolite, waterpass atau automatic level dan lain-lain. Tersedia berbagai merk terlengkap. Rental alat survey dan pemetaan Kineta memberikan jaminan kualitas alat sewa yang baik dan sesuai dengan standar.
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